
These affiliate links all help to support this website financially. We receive a commission from each sale of any of these marriage counseling books or e-books.

Note also:
These are not all Christian e-books. Some even speak of premarital sex. Furthermore, the knowledge that one might gain from some of these might be used illicitly by some people unfortunately. Knowledge is power, and power is not always used honestly.

However, it is my hope that this knowledge can help some find ways to defend their families against these attacks, against problems that destroy marriages, and make it possible to rebuild a great, healthy, happy family once again.

Getting your wife back

Get Her Back (Action Plan) (Step by step plan to open her heart.)
with Christopher Canwell

Shogun Method
(Sounds like MKUltra, almost evil, but just psychological awareness.)
with Derrick Rake

Getting Her Back for Good
with Michael Webb
(A very popular relationship coach–good, but not too deep.)

Getting your husband back

Relationship Rewrite Method
with James Bauer
Why men pull away. Provide emotional safety and get him to desire you.
Good basic relationship coaching/training.

Say This To Men
with Marni Kinrys
author of “That’s Not How Men Work”
and “The Wing Girl Method”
Good basic training in opening the heart of your man.

Addict Him To You – Attract Your Ideal Man
with Mirabelle Summers
These kinds of courses seem to focus in fast on potentially
high-impact, highly effective ideas for immediate results.

Capture His Heart
with Clare Casey and Michael Fiore
Touches on a psychological loophole in male mind and gives
three specific 1-2-3 steps to capture his heart quickly.

The Forever Formula Video
with John Writes
Easy to read scientific study of men’s weakness for new women.
How this can severely hurt or help save your marriage.

Make Him Want You Bad
with Eric Charles & Sabrina Alexis
Not much useful information in ad – mostly sales and persuasion.

Wrap Him Around Your Finger
with Mirabelle Summers
Seems strong in good male psychology touching on men’s needs
for safety before he can be vulnerable and the impact that can have.

Rewind Your Romance
with Samantha Sanderson (why men pull away)
Samantha is a very popular relationship coach for women and her
advice seems rooted in psychology involving that inner craving for
a Dopamine rush and how to keep your man attracted to you for life.
It may have similarities to The Relationship Rewrite Method
by James Bauer.

Getting Him Back
with Michael Webb
Again, Michael Webb is heavily represented on this page as a popular
relationship coach who was on Oprah. Eileen and I went through his
1000 questions book and his 50 Secrets to Blissful Relationships before
we were married. He is not deep, but his advice seems quite good.

General marriage saving

Hook Your Ex
with Grand JV (perhaps a bit heavy in the promises)
I don’t really know this course material, but it seems heavy in the sales
pitch, rush this and that, and lots of big promises, but nothing much in
the ad that is very informative regarding what to expect.

Guide to Getting Your Ex Back
with Alex Bert
Like some others, there is a version for women and one for men, and
he goes through scenarios analyzing what is happening and why some
common strategies or tactics fail to work before focusing in on what
does work. And sometimes people are helped greatly when they get
concepts illustrated by different people in different ways and they start
taking those strategies to heart and putting them into action.

Make Your Ex Desperate to Have You Back
with Ryan Hall and Grand JV
Men’s and Women’s versions. Lots of promises and sales pushing in the
cartoon video presentation. Focused on emotional triggers that create
or increase desire in your spouse rather than destroying it as do many
other materials listed here. But the add plays on the emotional needs of
potential buyers rather than giving anything of value.

Magic Relationship Words
with Susie & Otto Collins (very good advice for connecting)
Words can be quite powerful. They can injure unintentionally, and they
can heal or bring happiness, express gratitude, build up a person and create
a safe place for a couple to be vulnerable, courage, trusting, loving, healing.

Restoring happiness to marriage

1000 Questions for Couples
with Michael Webb
Eileen and I loved going through these before our wedding day as it
prepared us for marriage and helped us avoid being blind-sided during
the common challenges of everyday married life. It can be scary going
through something like this if you’re feeling insecure as if it could reveal
something that could call off the wedding. But it didn’t. And it was fun.

50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships
with Michael Webb
This, and the 1000 Questions ebook above were a great joy for us to go
through. I printed it off and put it into a binder along with a second
suprise we received with it called “50 MORE Secrets of Blissful
Relationships. I hope I did not ruin any surprises 🙂 They were simple,
easy to read, and very much worth reading.

300 Creative Dates
with Michael Webb
We received this together with several other really good e-books when
we bought a large package of Michael Webb’s e-books about 18 years ago.
I don’t think we ever put this one into use, but perhaps that might be a
good idea. We always seem to find our own fun things to do.

Magic Relationship Words
with Susie & Otto Collins (very good advice for connecting)
I noticed that I accidently included this under two headings. But I thought
the importance of the impact of words was significant enough to leave it
under both headings.

Healing from a serious marriage crisis

Mend The Marriage
with Brad Browning
This package is straight up focused on saving marriages that are in trouble.
It is for both men and women who want to prevent separation and

Save the Marriage System
with Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.
This package, too, is focused directly as the title says. And it is a very
comprehensive package. Like many, he points out how ordinary marriage
counseling can do more damage than good. Rather than taking action to
heal the marriage, often, they dig deep into the problems, focusing on the
problems, trying to cut deals between the fighting partners, and ending up
celebrating that the couple is fighting since this is supposedly
“communication” that wasn’t happening before. And divorce often follows
shortly afterward. This is about stopping that and turning it around into
happiness. And the ad doesn’t just make empty promises. It tells how.

How to Catch a Cheating Partner
by John Cerri
This is something I dread. I caught my ex by accident about 24 years ago
and I did not have to use any techniques. I waited and prayed for her for
years, but our marriage was not saved as she was in an affair. The last thing
you should want to do is to be suspicious and untrusting. But if there is
an affair happening, it is better to know it, face it, and find a good, wise
way to deal with it. And that can be absolutely miserable and difficult.
This ebook tries to avoid doing anything that would make it difficult to
bring the marriage back into healing.

Journey to Trust – Emotional Affair Journey
recommended by Dr. Robert Huizenga of “Break Free From the Affair”
Sometimes affairs do not go all the way to physical adultery but involve
an emotional affair. Whether it is online, or in the office, or at church,
affairs of the heart often happen when emotional needs are not met. That
is not a valid excuse since we’re morally obligated to honor our vows
faithfully for better or worse. But when we face temptation, we may lie
to ourselves and say we can handle it, and then there’s a breach of trust.
Sometimes the one in an emotional affair denies it or defends it or claims
it is nothing at all but a mere friendship. And trust needs to be rebuilt.

Save My Marriage Today
with Amy Waterman and Andrew Russbatch
Their marriage saving program has apparently appeared in Psychology Today and has helped thousands of people save their marriages. Another
comprehensive marriage saving program like the first two in this section.

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